Publishing a Packet


In order for teachers to print, administer, and scan a packet, the packet must be assigned a packet number and published by a curriculum user. The same packet can be published to multiple curricula at once.

[VIDEO] 1.6 Publishing Assessment


How to Assign Packet Number and Publish (to one or more curricula)

  •  On the “Publishing” panel of the main packet entry screen, click the pencil icon in the “edit” column
    • Enter packet number and click “submit”
    • See packet numbering guidelines for recommendations on how to number the packet
    • If the exact same packet will be used in multiple curricula (e.g. 7th grade English in more than one state), filter for the additional curricula at the bottom of the publishing panel, click "add," assign a packet number, and click “submit”



  • Note: Assigning the packet a number publishes it, so it will now become visible to teachers of that curriculum.
    • If you publish a packet in error, you can recall it by clicking edit again and selecting “recall” at the top of the dialogue box.



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