Vetting Checklist for Assessment Entry in Paper



Last Updated: December 2023

Intended Audience: Uncommon staff entering or vetting entry of assessments in Paper

Context: Vetting is a practice used to check that assessments have been entered correctly before they are printed. This process occurs after CAT has vetted the exam context and published the original assessment materials, so it does not include vetting the quality/content of the assessments, the correctness of the answer key, etc. Instead, this checklist focuses on errors with the potential to cause printing, scanning, or analysis issues. CAT is responsible for deciding when/for what exams vetting should occur and who should be assigned to do the vetting.


Materials Needed for Vetting:

  • Open:
    • Paper:
      • Navigate to the relevant curriculum
      • If the packet is used in multiple curricula (e.g., 5th Math in NY, NJ, and MA), it only needs to be vetted once. Select any of the relevant curricula to access the packet,
      • Select the packet name and then click "Packet config." This opens the packet entry/edit screen.
    • Curriculum/assessment materials that were published/share with schools from their source location (e.g., shared drive, Illuminate, or CandI)

Vetting Steps:

Vetting involves both cross-checking for consistency between Paper and original source and looking for common Paper entry errors. We recommend vetting information in each of the three editing panes on the entry/edit screen.

On the left pane of the packet entry/edit screen (packet preview), you can check the following without clicking "edit." If changes are needed to the barcode placement or packet title, click "edit" and correct. If changes are needed to the packet itself, recall this packet and re-upload a corrected PDF (or contact CAT owner to re-upload):

    • Does the packet have an appropriate title?
    • Does the packet on Paper contain all of the pages in original assessment?
    • Does the barcode obstruct any packet content?
    • Are there extra blank pages at the end of the packet?
      • Note: Sometimes they are added intentionally (e.g., for students to use as scratch paper). The important thing is to know whether or not blank pages should be present, and to verify that is reflected in the published packet.
      • It may be better to remove blank pages that were not intentionally included for student work, since there is no need for them to be scanned into Paper.

In the center pane (answer key), check when questions/answers/passages have been entered correctly and whether they have been tagged to the correct page(s). Click "edit" on the center pane to walk through and check at each step.

    • Confirm that all passages are listed, if relevant (typically only for ELA/History assessments).
      • If questions are tagged to multiple passages (e.g., paired passage essays), they can be tagged to multiple passages. There is no need to enter "paired passage" as an additional passage name.
      • Check that all questions are linked to the passage that they address.
    • Confirm that each passage and question is tagged to the correct page of the packet.
      • If a passage or question extends onto multiple pages, check that it is tagged to each of those pages.
    • Note: Correct answers, point values, and standards do not need to be vetted because these are imported directly from Illuminate.

In the right pane (publishing), you can check where the packet is published, the packet number, and the links to Illuminate and/or CandI.

    • Ensure that a packet number and green check mark appear next to each curriculum that uses this assessment. This means the packet is published.
      • See packet numbering guidelines
      • A red "X" means that the packet has been recalled and cannot be viewed by teachers of that curriculum.
      • If needed, click the pencil icon next to each curriculum in which the packet is published, in order to edit the packet number.
    • (Optional) Click on the link symbol on the right and check that a link to source materials is included. This should either be:
      • For non-aligned assessments (i.e., different materials used in different regions): The link to the Illuminate assessment in that region (the NY, NJ & MA links should each correspond to the correct Illuminate domain name).
        • Illuminate links should not be used for aligned curricula/assessments because, for example, a link from the NY site will not be accessible to staff in NJ.
      • For all other assessments: The link to the final assessment materials on CandI.
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