Preparing Assessment Download Links for the Copy Center (BRT)


Intended Audience: Brooklyn Regional Team (BRT), Copy Center, Print Shop

Date of Last Update: November 2023

Context: This is step 2 of the printing process. For step 1, refer to this article: Generating PDF multi-page assessments (BRT / SCHOOLS). The article below covers how to collect the assessment download links (PDFs) to then send to your printer.


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1. After Generating the PDF links (step 1 article), click on the Download button on the top-right hand corner to go to the Download page: 
Screenshot 2023-08-12 at 4.28.46 PM.png

2. On the download page, click the icon next to the phrase "Copy download links to share with an external printer". This will copy all the download link and exam information:
Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 2.27.03 PM.png


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  1. Create a Google Sheet where you can paste in information in the download information. To see an example template, click here. If needed, make a tab for each of the schools you will be printing for. 
  2. After copying the information (see step 2), in cell E5 paste (do not use Paste Values as you'll lose the formatting) the information into your Google Sheet and particular tab for that corresponding school. It will paste a block of text like this:
    Screenshot 2023-09-15 143843.png

  3. Note about column X for PDF filenames: In the tracker, column X includes a live formula that pulls the PDF filename out from the URL. The formula begins in cell X6 and runs through row 100. The formula begins as =REGEXEXTRACT(N6, "\/([^/]*)\?")
  4. Use column C to enter any quality check comments after printing (see section for School Ops further below). 


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1. Refer to the Google Sheet tracker made in the previous section above.

2. Use the URL to print: each exam-part (aka booklet) has it's own unique Download URL in column N.

3. Click on each URL to open and print the PDF.

4. If needed, the PDF filenames are found in column X. This formula pulls the filename from the URL. 

5. As you print, add any of your own remarks only in column A for tracking purposes such as status: printing, need to quality check, print & QC complete, next to print, etc. 

6. After printing, follow the sections below for quality checks conducted by both the print shop and School Ops. 


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Print Shop Quality Checks:

For each printed packet, the copy center/print shop must check the printed materials using the guidance below: 

Once printed, for each school-exam-part: 

    1. Check that the first page of first packet matches the listed QR code by referring to the column named "[1-1] text code". This is to verify that the correct assessment is being packed. See example image at the bottom of this section. 
    2. Check that the first page of the second packet matches the listed QR code by referring to the column named "[2-1] text code". This is to verify that the substapling (stapling the packets) is done at the correct pages. See example image at the bottom of this section. 
    3. Check that the last page of the last packet matches the QR code by referring to the column named "[last-last] text code". This is to verify that we have completed the print job for the assessment. See example image at the bottom of this section. 
    4. Check that all pages have fully printed QR codes. This is to verify that there aren’t any partially printed or blurry QR codes which will later cause scanning issues. 
    5. Check that all sections for each subject are printed 
    6. Check that all staples are located at the top left corner 
    7. Check that there are no duplicated exams

Google Sheet Example - Check the QR codes:

check QR code .png


Ponder Paper Example - Check the QR codes:

check QR code - ponder site.png



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School Ops Quality Checks:

For each printed packet, the receiving school must check the printed materials using the guidance below: 

Once printed, for each exam-part-section: 

    1. Check that every subject is printed
    2. Check that every grade is printed
    3. Check that every advisory is printed
    4. Check that all students have printed exams when compared to your latest roster
    5. Check that there are no duplicate exams
    6. Check that the number of sections/advisories match your PowerSchool courses. This is to verify that no section was missed by the printers
    7. Check that all pages have fully printed QR codes. This is to verify that there aren’t any partially printed or blurry QR codes as these pages will later not successfully scan in Ponder Paper.
    8. Check that all staples are located at the top left corner. This is to verify that all staples can be removed by the paper cutter and won’t cause a scanner paper jam.
    9. Check that every section has 3 unnamed packets. This is to verify that you have extra exams for any newly enrolled students.

If any errors are found, please contact your support team for next steps.


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Important note about recalled exams:

In the case where an assessment is recalled (e.g. content errors in the exam):

  • First, the school curriculum team will notify all school leaders, then upload a new exam into Ponder Paper
  • Then the new exam will need to be generated (see step 1 article).
  • To print, follow the steps above for each school. As you copy and paste the information back into your Google Sheet tracker, begin at cell E5 again to paste over whatever information was previously there.
    • This is important because the recalled exam will be automatically greyed out and it's download link will be replaced with the word "superseded".
    • The new URL and info for the new exam will appear at the very bottom.
  • See example of recalled exam (grey) with new exam (blue) below: 
    Screenshot 2023-09-15 144427.png


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If there are any issues or questions about the printing process, please contact your support team. 



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