Guide to Packet Types in Paper


Paper offers three packet type options. The type of packet selected impacts the functions available for teachers to use in their analysis. Packet type is selected during packet entry.


One-sided & Two-sided tickets

"Tickets" can be either one-sided (one page) or two-sided (two pages), and can be selected from a larger packet. Typically, we recommend that tickets should include a small number of questions, standards or topics, so that teachers can engage in focused analysis. 

  • During packet entry, users can upload a longer packet and select the page that contains the exit ticket (for a 2-sided ticket, you'll select the first page and Paper will include the next page of the PDF as page 2).
    • When teachers print their exit tickets, Paper will only generate barcodes on the selected pages. Teachers can still print the other pages using the option to "Download Full Source."
    • Entering an answer key during packet entry is optional for tickets.
  • During analysis, teachers can use the tagging feature on all tickets. The "jump-to-question" feature will not be available.


"Assessments" contain all of the pages of the uploaded PDF. Typically, packets are longer than two pages, but 1-2 page packets can also be entered as full packets. This would be most useful when packets include multiple questions, standards or topics, so that teachers can engage in targeted analysis of individual questions.

  • During packet entry, users should ensure that the packet uploaded includes all of the correct pages and no extra pages.
    • When teachers print the packet, Paper will generate barcodes on all pages of the packet.
    • Entering an answer key during packet entry is required for assessments that have an associated Illuminate ID, in order to give teachers access to the "jump-to-question" feature.
  • Assessments with multiple parts are uploaded as a single PDF; for example when an exam includes more than one book (to be printed/stapled as separate packets) these are uploaded as a single PDF and separated within the packet entry process.
  • Some "assessments" may not require an answer key.
    • For example, the publishing packet for a performance assessment or an ELA writing cycle may be uploaded as an "assessment" so it can be printed with more than 2 personalized pages. However, teachers would analyze this packet holistically, without needing to "jump" to specific questions in analysis.


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