Tagging Student Work


Last Updated: October 2023

Intended Audience: Teachers using exit tickets in Ponder Paper

Context: Paper allows teachers to 'tag' each students' work to reflect their understanding or performance on that ticket.

Note: this feature is only available for exit tickets.


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To use the tagging feature, find the packet name and click the stoplight icon in the righthand column.


This will open the Time View with the tagging feature enabled, allowing you to use keyboard shortcuts to tag each ticket with one of the four pre-set tags, as well as to navigate up and down the student list.

After a tag is selected, Paper will automatically select the next student on the list. For students whose work has not yet been tagged, the grid contains a gray dot for that packet.

Once tagged, the gray dot will turn into the corresponding color and shape in the grid.




Four tags are available and each has a corresponding color and symbol, as shown in the image below. To return to the tag mode, click "exit tag mode" on the righthand panel.


Paper automatically saves your work as you tag - no need to click submit!


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How can tagging support student work analysis?

  • Teachers can use tags to develop a reteach strategy. The distribution of tags from an exit ticket can give a quick indication of what level of instructional support is needed. For example:
    • If most students are tagged "got it" and a few are tagged "review," then the teacher may plan to pull those few students into a small group to review the material.
    • If the most common tag is "close" and the following lesson covers related content, the teacher may plan to do a quick review of the lesson material with the whole class at the beginning of the next lesson.
    • If a large number of students are tagged "review," the the teacher may decide to design a reteach for the whole class before moving on to the next planned lesson.
  • Teachers can use tags to understand the progress of individual students or the whole class over time, using the Time View. For example,
    • Teachers can identify standards of concern, by noticing which standards have more "review" and "broader issue" tags.
    • Teachers can identify students who are or are not making progress over time. For instance, trends among exit tickets within a single unit can help teachers plan review materials for students to complete before a unit assessment.
    • Teachers can compare performance on different packets/questions assessing the same standard, to better understand where to students' understandings are stronger or weaker within the standard.
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