Generating and printing single-page assessments (exit tickets)



Last Updated: September 2023 

Intended Audience: Teachers who want to print exit tickets 

Context: This article covers how to print exit tickets in four quick steps:

  • Select the packet you want to print.
  • Click "generate PDF for printing."
  • Open the PDF and print.
  • Access additional materials (as needed).



Select the packet you want to print and click "generate PDF for printing."

  • In the teacher or curriculum view, select the packet you want to print from the list.
  • Once selected, a menu of actions will appear beneath the selected packet name. When preparing for instruction, "Generate PDF for printing" will create a personalized copy of the exit ticket for each student in your class. Paper generates one PDF containing all of your students' exit tickets.



Open and print the PDF

  • Print the generated PDF as you would any other file.
  • The scanner scans both sides of each sheet of paper, so you can print double-sided (if the exit ticket is two pages) to save paper and speed up the scanning process.
  • BUT, if you are printing a one-page exit ticket, be sure to print single-sided so that every student gets their own sheet of paper (rather than one student's exit ticket being printed on the back-side of another student's exit ticket.)

How can I access additional lesson materials?

  • You will see a button labeled "Download original." This button will download the full PDF that was uploaded by your curriculum manager, including the pages you already generated with QR codes. Depending on how your curriculum is published, this likely includes all of the other materials you will need to print for your students (do now, independent practice, homework).
  • You may also see a button labeled "External materials," which is a link to any additional materials your curriculum manager has indicated are relevant to this lesson (e.g., the curriculum folder where the lesson was retrieved). Source materials may include an answer key, exemplar, or lesson plan.
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