New Packet Entry


[VIDEO] 1.1 Drag & Drop PDF:


For the full video tutorial playlist, please view here

[VIDEO] 1.2 Packet Naming, QR Creation, Preview:

For the full video tutorial playlist, please view here


Materials/information you’ll need to enter a packet:

  • Finalized PDF version of packet
    • For multi-day/multi-book assessments, combine all books into a single PDF.
    • If students will be given scratch paper, include
  • URL for source materials (optional, recommended if there are supplemental materials to go with the student packet)
  • Correct answers for multiple choice questions & point values for open-ended questions (assessments only; necessary for viewing student work by question or standard))
  • Illuminate assessment title (assessments only)

Step 1: Select a curriculum & add new packet

  • On the curriculum screen or using the search bar in the top-left menu, select one of the curricula in which the assessment or exit ticket will be published (once configured, you can add it to other curricula in a later step).


  • Click on “+ Add” at the top right of the page to add a new packet.


Step 2: Drag PDF into Paper

  • Upload a blank PDF of the packet.
  • Ensure that the packet you’re uploading has completed all rounds of feedback and is formatted for printing. (You will not be able to edit or replace the PDF itself without starting the process over)
  • We recommend one-inch margins at the top or bottom of each page in a packet to avoid the QR labels covering content when printed. 


Step 3: Select Type & Page(s) and Name Packet 

  • Three types are supported in Paper:
    • 1-sided Ticket: An exit ticket that is only one page. Select the page with the exit ticket on it, which will be printed with a QR label.
    • 2-sided Ticket: An exit ticket that is two pages long. Select the first page of the exit ticket (Paper knows that the following page is the second page), which will be printed with a QR label.
    • Assessment: An assessment that will either be printed/scanned in full using Paper, or that will be configured for the purposes of analysis dashboards. (For an assessment, all pages will print with a QR label.)
  • Click "next"
  • Assign the packet a name.
    • Each organization will likely establish its own naming convention for new packets. Recommendations for naming packets can be found in this article.


Step 4: Place the QR Label

  • Select the size and placement of the QR Label appropriate to your packet.
    • Ensure that you avoid placing the label over any text that students will need to be able to see.
    • Avoid placing the QR code within the gray area (represents area likely to be cut off from a stapled packet). If other parts of the label (i.e., packet name, student name) are within the gray area, this will not impact scanning. 
  • For assessments, you will be able to preview up to two pages on this step. Later on, you will have the opportunity to preview the full packet before publishing.


Step 5: Select packet parts (assessments only)

  • One assessment is typically defined as the full set of student materials associated with one Illuminate ID. The "parts" of an assessment are the sections that will be printed and stapled as separate packets.
    • For example, a "Day 1" and "Day 2" part of an interim assessment would correspond to two "parts" in Paper. Or, an assessment packet and a double-sided page of scratch paper would likely be two "parts."
  • Click on the first page of each part. The parts will then be displayed as separate columns.
  • Click "next"


Step 6: Verify and Submit

  • Once submitted, you will not be able to replace the PDF or change which page(s) are selected for an exit ticket.
  • Scroll through the full packet (all parts) to ensure the correct pages are present and the QR label on each page is not obstructing packet content.
  • When you are sure the packet is ready to publish, check the boxes, and click submit.


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