Troubleshooting: Assigning unnamed packets and fixing scanning errors


Intended Audience: All Paper users

Date of Last Update: September 2024

Context: Although the smart scanners successfully read student work, sometimes errors occur. They are typically caused either:

- a student using an "unnamed" packet because their personalized packet could not be located

- by an obstruction to the QR code that makes it impossible for Paper to read the code.

In both circumstances, users can correct scanning errors on the Ponder Paper site.


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Scenario #1: Student used an Unnamed Packet 

[VIDEO] 2.6 Assigning Unnamed Packets

For the full video tutorial playlist, please view here



  • Each time teachers generate a PDF for printing, Paper generates a few copies of the packet with a QR code but not to a particular student.
  • If a teacher cannot locate a student's personalized packet (for example, the student just switched classes and rosters have not been updated yet); they can give the student an unnamed packet
  • After testing and scanning, the teacher must later assign that unnamed packet to the student in Paper.

Instructions - Assigning Unnamed Packets

  • On the Teacher or School tabs, look for the Unnamed column with the squiggle icon 
  • The number shows how many Unnamed exams that teacher-exam need to update
  • Click on the number
  • On this new page, "Fix unnamed packets" page, it will show all the unnamed packets that need a student assigned. 
  • 1. Click on each packet
  • 2. View the student name on the front page of the exam 
    • If the image is too small, right click over the image and choose "Open image in new tab" and use zoom (magnify glass icon) as needed 
  • 3. Once the student's name is identified, enter the students name (first or last name works). 
  • 4. Select their name
  • 5. Confirm the change. Important note: this change is irreversible, please double check the student's name before submitting. 
  • Repeat for any other unnamed packets. 



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Scenario #2: QR code is obstructed/unreadable

[VIDEO] 2.7 Fixing Scanning Errors

For the full video tutorial playlist, please view here



The "Scan log" page (accessible on the main menu) contains a record of student work that has been scanned.

For each batch of scanned work, teachers can see the date that scanning occurred, and both the number and the percent of pages that scanned successfully.

If a scanning error occurs, teachers can click on the batch and specific page to see the scanned image and, in most cases, correct the error.

Occasionally, Paper is unable to read the barcode on a page because it is obstructed or otherwise damaged (e.g., the page was ripped, the students' writing covers the QR code, etc.). 



Instructions - Fixing scanning errors

In these cases, users can tell Paper what is the on the page in two ways:


Option 1:

Find the students' name in the lefthand column, and click on the red square that represents the page in their packet (the square is red because Paper couldn't read this page and thinks it is missing).

Click "submit" when you are sure you've assigned the page to the right place in the student's packet. Note: sometimes a blank page is flagged red so please disregard that square.


Option 2:

Alternatively, click on the image of the scanned page to zoom in on the QR code.

You will see a 5 character alphanumeric code printed to the right of the QR label, after the "usi-P:"

Enter this code, click Submit, and Paper will assign the page to the correct student and packet.

Important note: if a student used another student's packet, there is currently no feature to remap the assessment to the correct name. Please contact your IT team for next steps. 


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