Troubleshooting: Printing via Hold Jobs (Part 2 - RPHS-HP)


Intended Audience: RPHS-HP Ops and teachers who print using school copiers

Last Updated: October 2024

Context: Please refer to this article only if you received instructions from a Ponder Paper team member.

This article continues from Part 1. In Part 2, this article will outline specific workarounds for the RPHS-HP Xerox copiers. 


School: RPHS-HP

  • Rphs-u47lc-Copier-2ndFloor-TWR
    • Make: Xerox
    • Model: D110
    • IP address:
  • RPHS-U47LC-Copier-Hallway-Basement
    • Make: Xerox
    • Model: D110
    • IP address:
  • RPHS-U47LC-Copier-Hallway
    • Make: Xerox
    • Model: D125
    • IP address:



This article continues from Part 1


9. While still on your school's wifi network, in a new browser window (e.g. Google Chrome) enter the following to access your printer's admin site:

http://<IP address of the machine>


For example:

Rphs-u47lc-Copier-2ndFloor-TWR Print Manager website:

RPHS-U47LC-Copier-Hallway-Basement Print Manager website:

RPHS-U47LC-Copier-Hallway Print Manager website:


10. Login using the administer credentials (contact your Ops team for username and password)

[Pic: insert login page]


11. One logged in, upload the saved PDF into the Hold section.

In this example, it was saved in the Downloads folder: 

[Pic: insert upload option in menu]

8 upload to copier.jpg

The file is now sitting (paused) in the Hold Jobs section


12. Return to the Ponder download page from step 7. 

Look at the "staple every _ pages" field. Note the number.

In this example, it is 6. As in each student packet of this PPQ is 6 pages long (3 pages double sided).

10 staple every N page.jpg


13. Return to the file in the Hold section. 

Click on Job Settings.

[Pic: insert page of Job Settings]


14. In the pop-up, click on Finishing.

Under "Staple" choose "Corner"

Click the checkbox to turn on "Divide Output"

Enter the number of "pages per Section" as was found in step 12. In this example, it's 6

Scroll down and click Save (bottom right corner).

[Pic: insert Job Settings with 6 as number of pages per section]


15. When you are ready to print:

In the Hold section select the file you want, click on the Print icon.

In the pop-up, do not change any settings, just click OK.

[Pic: insert Hold Jobs homepage with Print option]


16. Note that you can see the job status in the bottom section:

Sending a job: For this example, a PDF with 558 pages took 2-3 minutes for the copier to receive

Printing a job: For this example, a PDF with 558 pages took 5-6 minutes for the copier to print

[Pic: printing status]


17. Once printing is complete, in the Hold section:

Right click over the file and choose Delete. In the pop-up, click Yes.

This is because the copier has a limited memory/disk space so deleting no longer used files helps the copier performance remain the same. 

[Pic: insert how to delete a PDF]


18. You can also delete the file you saved in your computer. 

In this example, the file in the Downloads folder was deleted: 

18 deleted downloads folder.jpg


19. Repeat these steps for other exams as needed. 


If you have any questions, please reach out to Ponder Paper or your IT Support team for further assistance. 

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