Switching your scanner to fobless (scanner authentication part 1)


Last Updated: August 2024

Intended Audience: School Ops who need to switch their current Ponder Paper scanner from fob to fobless scanner authentication.

This article covers:

  • Part 1:
    • How to rename your scanner (time estimate: 5 minutes per scanner)
    • How to register your fobless scanner (time estimate: 5 minutes for email, then 1 business day for response) 


Ponder bar thin.png

Before you begin:

Important Note:

If you have more than 1 scanner, please follow the entire instructions for one scanner at a time. Then, repeat these steps for each scanner.


Error messages after powering on your scanner: 

If you see either of these messages appear on your scanner when you power them on, please reach out to your IT Support team for further assistance. Do not complete the steps below until it is resolved:

"Manual single mode" or "Confliction of IP Addresses"



Ponder bar thin.png



Rename your scanner 

1. Locate your Ponder Paper scanner and unplug the power cord for 30 seconds.

2. Plug the power cord back in and turn on the scanner using the power button


3. Once on the home screen, click on the Settings icon on the bottom right corner:



4. Click Yes on the pop-up:



5. Choose Scanner Settings:



6. Select "Display keystrokes", type in "password", double check the spelling, then click OK:



7. Select Scanner name:



8. Look up your scanner's name:

Open this link for your scanner's new name: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ikVQlnTb6SmpmuRxk_ex_ARMZQmE9Qz-G5H7FEkbuzI/edit?usp=sharing 

Please contact IT Support if:

- you need additional scanner names

- you need to remove extra scanner names (e.g. an old scanner was returned) 


9. Using the file linked above:

Select your school's new scanner name (column F).

Mark the checkbox to show that the name was used (column G).


10. On your scanner:

Type in your scanner's new name (from column F), double check the spelling, then click Set:






11. Click the back button twice to return to the home screen: 


Home screen:



12. Next, add a label to your scanner with the new scanner name:

Using a mailing label or post-it, write down your scanner's new name and affix the label to the outside of the scanner.  



Register your fobless scanner 

1. Next, email ITS about all your school's scanners:

Send an email to ITSupport with the following:


To: ITSupport@uncommonschools.org 

Subject: Ponder Paper Scanner Registration for [your school abbreviation]



This email is requesting registration for the Ponder Paper scanners:

[your 1st scanner name] 

[your 2nd scanner name] 

[your 3rd scanner name] 

[your 4th scanner name] 

[your 5th scanner name] 

Thank you, 

[your name]


2. Important: Await confirmation that your scanner registration was successful.

3. Once you receive registration confirmation, then continue to part 2 here



If you have any questions or difficultly with the steps above, please contact the IT Support team. 






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