Troubleshooting: Print Tool Error - We weren't able to reach a printer


Last Updated: September 2024

Intended Audience: School staff that print exams (e.g. IAs) via the Print Tool application 

Context: When printing IAs with your school's printer and the Print Tool application, you may receive an error message in the Print Tool application. Use the troubleshooting steps below to locate the error message and verify your printer is properly setup or compatible. 


How to locate the Error Message and Error Log file:

The error message: 

In the print tool application you will see:

"We weren't able to reach a printer at [your school printer's IP address]"

werent able to reach a printer.png


The error log file:

1. Locate the line "Log file written to"

2. Copy (ctrl + C) the path in blue (see pink bracket below)

log file.jpg

3. Open File Explorer, paste (Ctrl + V) the path, and hit enter

4. Depending on your computer, the log file may open in Notepad or a similar program. 

5. Save the error log file and share it with your IT Support team.


Common error logs:

Error message: HTTPError and ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE

Fix: Follow the steps in this article to ensure the IPP setting is enabled

Error message: ECONNREFUSED

Fix: Follow the steps in this article to ensure the IPP setting is enabled

Error message: cilent-error-not-found

Fix: Follow the steps in this article to ensure the IPP setting is enabled

Error message: ENOTFOUND

Fix: Follow the steps in this article to ensure the IP address doesn't have a typo


Ponder bar thin.png


Troubleshooting steps if the print tool reports an error:


1. Verify the IP address:

On your printer (the screen/buttons may differ based on printer model) go to Device Information and verify that the printer's IP address matches what you entered into the Print Tool:

LPOHMA Device Info.jpg


2. Verify that you are on your school network:

When using the print tool, you must be on your school's wifi network (or using VPN to access it if you are home). 


3. Restart your printer and print tool

Close your print tool and re-open it. Power off your printer and turn it back on. 


4. Try entering the IP address these 3 different ways:

There are 3 ways you can add your copier's IP address into the print. Try all 3 below:

- Option 1: use Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste

- Option 2: right click to copy and paste 

- Option 3: Type in (not recommended due to potential typos)


5. Verify that you can connect to the printer’s admin site:

While still on your school's wifi network, in a new browser window (eg Google Chrome) enter the following to access your printer's admin site:

http://<insert the ip address of your printer>


http://<insert the IP address of the machine>/printmanager.html

For example:


If it did not work, you may see the following error page or a 400 error page. Please contact your IT team or printer's service provider for support as your printer may not be reachable:

printer website error.png


If it did work, you will then see a login page:

printer login page.png

Use the credentials:

User Name: administrator

Password: 7654321

If these credentials do not work, please contact your printer's service provider for support. 


Once logged in, you will see the homepage of the printer admin site:

printer admin site.png

6. Verify that IPP is enabled and configured:

While still in the printer admin site, access the IP Print Settings:

Go to Preferences > Network Settings > IPP Print Settings


- Some printers have a Properties page for settings

- If you do not have access to the settings page, please contact your IT Support team for help. 


Ensure that "Use IPP" is selected

Ensure that "Allow When Using TLS" is not selected

Ensure that "Use Authentication" is not selected:

printer IPP settings.png 

Then close and re-run the print tool. 

If error still occurring, continue to the next steps. 

7. Verify that Spool is turned off:

While still in your printer's admin site, navigate to Spool Function settings:

LPHS spool.png

Next, turn off the Spool function. 



Please contact your IT team if you need further support. 



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