Pinning Student Work


Last Updated: November 2023

Intended Audience: Staff using Ponder Paper for analysis

Context: Paper allows users to 'pin' examples of student work, in order to create curated samples of student work for each question response or score from multiple schools/teachers. 



Who can add pinned student work: only the assigned course teachers can add pins to their exams. 

Who can view pinned work: Any Ponder Paper user can view pinned work samples. 


Ponder bar thin.png


To pin student work:


To use the pinning feature, view student work samples by choosing the Question or Standard view

1 student work samples.png


View the student work sample you would like to pin, and click on the pin icon in the righthand corner:

2 pin icon.png

After pinning, the pin icon will change color:

3 new pin.png

Note: No pinning without Illuminate data

Pinning is only available for exams with Illuminate data. Otherwise you will see this message appear:

"Pinning is only available for packets with Illuminate score data"

No Illuminate no pinning.png


Ponder bar thin.png


To view pinned work:

Back on the home screen, select an exam and choose "View samples across schools and teachers":

4 view samples.png


Pinned work samples across schools:

5 view samples 2.png


Ponder bar thin.png


How can pinning support student work analysis?

    • Pinning student work communicates to other users that the particular sample is worth looking at. Lesson planners or others who do cross-network data analysis (or other curious users) can view all of the pinned work. For example:
      • Teachers might pin examples of a pattern in student misunderstandings that led students to chose B instead of the correct answer A on a multiple choice question.
      • Teachers might pin the best exemplar, full-credit responses on an OER question.
      • DCIs might ask teachers to pin examples of full-credit and partial-credit responses, to be used for rubric norming prior to collaborative scoring.
    • Pinning student work can make it easier for teachers to revisit work samples for particular items that were interesting or helped them understand students' responses. 



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