Troubleshooting: Print Tool - job not printing or taking too long (Chunking)


Intended Audience: School Ops who print using school printers 

Last Updated: December 2024

Context: When using the Print Tool, school printers may take too long to load and process the PDFs. Chunking allows the Print Tool to send a certain number of packets at a time to your printer, essentially sending mini print jobs to the printer instead of one large one. 


The following are instructions for users who already have the print tool application installed.

If you are a first time user, please see this article instead.


Please note:

Chunking is only available on version 0.4.2 and above. Follow this article to update to the latest version. 

Screenshot 2023-10-10 125459.png


Ponder bar thin.png



1. On the Download Page, copy the link of the PDF that was taking too long to print.  
image (3).png


2. Select the printer you've previously added. To add a new printer, go to the top of this article.
image (2).png

3. Paste the link by right-clicking on the print app [note: do not use the Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut, use your mouse or trackpad only]
image (4).png

4. Next, use the Chunk option to print:
Use the "Chunk" option if you want your printer to print a certain number of packets at a time. This option is helpful if the PDF is too large (e.g. an IA) to print in 1 print job. This will instead send multiple mini print jobs to the printer all at once.

Important Note:
Sending multiple chunked jobs does mean that your print jobs could be intercepted by other staff also sending print jobs at the same time.

Given this, as a best practice, we recommend chunk printing at the end of the school day or when the copier is not in high use. 



5. Next, decide how many packets you would like to send to the printer at a time. The example below is 7 packets: pt4.png

6. After you've confirmed that the first chunked job completed, type in "Y" to send the rest of the jobs to your printer.

In our example, there were 14 jobs in total.

The first job completed successfully so, the rest of the 13 jobs can then be sent to the printer by typing in "Y" and Enter:



7. Your print tool will then show all the jobs you sent to the printer:



8. Your printer will show all the multiple jobs received and their status:

Print jobs chunking from printer.jpg



If it did not work:

If chunking did not work (e.g. the job did not start after 5 minutes, or the printer cancelled the job):

1. Manually cancel the job on your printer (see example image below)

2. Repeat the steps above to chunk, but instead, use a smaller packet size

For example, instead of sending 30 packets at a time, size down to 7 packets at a time:


3. Repeat this process until the packets successfully print. 


How to cancel from the printer:

Select the job

Choose Delete 

delete print job.jpg


Ponder bar thin.png


Please reach out to your Support team if any issues arise. 


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